- It is transferable over all subject areas
- Simple to understand and use
- Meaningful and engaging
- Has a focus on life-long learning
- Links to Productive Pedagogies (Higher Order Thinking in particular)
- It has many links to the Dimensions of Learning framework such as utilising all senses and acknowledging why information is important (Marzano and Pickering, 2006).
So far, I do not perceive any weaknesses regarding this framework though I do recognise the many opportunities that it can have within the classroom, as mentioned above. I think it would be a wonderful tool to use in planning all KLAs. Pictured above is a concept map showing all of the key points surrounding the Big 6 framework.
Eisenberg, M., Johnson, D., & Berkowitz, B. (2010). Information, communications, and technology (ICT) skills curriculum based on the big6 skills approach to information problem-solving. Retrieved from http://moodle.cqu.edu.au/file.php/4033/LMCBig6%20Curriculum_LMC_MayJune2010.pdf
Marzano, R.J., & Pickering D.J. (2006). Dimensions of learning: Teacher’s manual (2nd ed.). Heatherton, VIC: Hawker Brownlow Education